I am frustrated today because we have to move again and my husband wants to wait since we are getting our rental rent free because it is being foreclosed on. He says it is too hot to move and per the paperwork we don’t have to move out til 90 days after the lease is up in Feb. It does not mean we won’t be asked to pay rent or be booted out. My sister and my husband do not understand how this worry makes my depression worse and that I need to feel secure and I do not feel secure most of the time. I try to explain to them why I feel insecure but neither get it.
I am waiting for my insurance company to send me a new referral list of doctors so I can get referral for a therapist. The last two doctors keep referring me to the same clinic which is not taking new patients and I told the 2nd dr that but they still referred me the same grp of therapists. Insurance company is also sending me a grp of therapists that I can go to for the new dr I choose to refer me to. I can’t understandy why the 1st two dr offices would not pay attention to what I told them. I have been trying for more than a year to get some help and the insurance company is not really happy with either of these drs…I am not the only one to complain. Please pray or give me good vibes that I find what I need. In the meantime threapist in Ca I use to go to advise me to check out groups such as this for support before I find another therapist and for after I find one to.
Thank you for reading this and all imput is appreciated.