My bf says I’m on the computer too much, well oh well. It’s theraputic for me. I uninstalled all the chat programs. I cheated on him once so he knows I’m not chatting. I use this site and for my weight loss goals. I log in what I eat, and my exercises and how many calories I burned and I have a weight loss journal etc… I don’t go on facebook too often. I basically journal on here. I tried to set up an apt with my therapist but she’s out of the office until Oct 12th which really suxs. I have been tryin to call her for the longest time to set up an apt… So untill then I will just go on here I guess. Is it bad that I go on the computer a lot? I don’t think it is? It’s better that I’m dealing with my issues and expressing how I feel rather then ignoring them and bottling them up like I used to. I didn’t deal with anything and I shot up to 281 lbs (that was last fall) I’ve lost weight since then. I went to the gym twice today and I am so tired. I had to leave early even though my sister was gonna show me some of the weight lifting machines and how to use them but I was so exhausted. She stayed working out even though I left early. I’m gonna work out tomorrow too.. I try to work out everyday.  It’s 8:23 and I think I’m going to bed very soon cuz I am so tired. I wish I didn’t feel this way. I could of went out to lunch with my mom but I was sleeping this afternoon. I haven’t been feeling well lately but I have been managing to go to the gym everydya cuz if I don’t I know I will get really depressed and feel even fatter then I do now LOL I don’t even know how that is possible.


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