COLD. I am really cold! And sick. 🙁 Some kind of stomach bug ~ I feel icky. My son was complaining ofa bad headache and stomachache all evening yesterday but decided to brave it to go to the Zoo and trick-or-treat and join in the fun. We ended up leaving early because he felt so yucky. On the drive home (about a half hour) he laid down in the back seat and cried quietly and finally fell asleep, thank heavens. My heart was breaking for him because there was nothing I could do to make him feel better. As soon as we got home Aaron carried him into the house and put him in bed.I didn't think he'd be going to school today considering how he felt last night, but the headache was gone and his stomach was okay, so he went. But I came home and immediately started feeling really bad. I think my day is going to be spent sleeping as much as possible. This evening Zachary and I are supposed to carve our pumpkins and do some homework project that should be kind of fun. Then tomorrow I work until 7 p.m. and then pick up my Mom from the airport at 9 p.m. (if the flights not cancelled due to the hurricane). I may end up driving to go get her later this week… not looking forward to that prospect. We're broke and I don't think we can afford the gas to drive up there.

I'm pretty upset today. I found out yesterday that my family has been hiding information from me to "protect" me regarding my uncle. Last I heard he was doing well and slowly getting better. But I hadn't heard from my aunt in days, so I assumed all was well. It turned out that my Mom asked her not to talk to me about what was really happening because I was already in a heavy depression and was afraidthat it would worsen if I really knew. I appreciate her concern for my well-being, but am angered too. It turns out that after that first day of being lucid andable to communicate some he suddenly went unconcious. They were concerned it was possibly some of the medications he was on so they stopped them, but to no avail. He wouldn't wake up. They did a huge set of tests, and somewhere in there one of the doctors realized he was having seizures that weren't visible physically. His brain activity showed high seizure counts. So they put him on anti-seizure medications and he finally woke up some. Don't know if he's doing any better ~ that was on Saturday. I'm so afraid we're going to lose him. He's been in the hospital over 2 weeks now, and that's a really bad sign. Myexpectations for his recovery are very low. The longer he's there, the worse it is.

Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I wish you all the best, and those of you facing the storm are well prepared and are in a safe place. If you're on the coastline or near water PLEASE go to an inland area shelter. It's not safe. And if you're not in concrete block housing, or brick or in an old home ~ go to a shelter. You're life is more important than sticking it out in your home for the sake of comfort. It might get you killed. I love you all and my thoughts are with you. Please stay safe.

(((HUGS))) ~ Key

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 12 years ago

    When it comes to problems and illnesses, this saying, as I see ir, applies: When it rains; it pours.a

    0 kudos

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