As I mentioned before, I went for my walk this morning (yay me! lol) and was headed out to the beach….Here's what the remainder of the afternoon looked like…it was cool and I still have a smile on my face

When we (my 4yr old and I) first got out to the beach, we went out in the somewhat rough surf and I helped him catch some waves on his boogie board (yes he boogie boards…and does quite well at it…lol…I always loved boogie boarding…even now when I get the chance) and a while later he finds some "friends" to play with in the water and has a blast. About a half hour before I leave, a little girl comes up to me (sitting on the sand watching my kid playing) and waves at me…and asks if I will build sandcastles with her LMAO… her grandma and (older) cousin come up to try to apologize and I say its no problem…so me and this probably 2 yr old are building about a dozen sandcastles. Here comes her maybe 7 yr old brother, and looks like he wants to join in, so I ask him if he wants to play…he, of course says yes, and starts playing with my kid's monster truck…well, I get this idea to build him a ramp so he can jump the truck off of it…and you woulda thought it was christmas LMAO. Well I start talking to the adults and find out they are on vacation from NY & Tennessee so I tell them about several other beaches and a couple of restaurants to check out while they are here…this something the "normal" me does…and I do feel really good about getting back to "being me" if you know what I mean.

Also, while I was at the beach, my b/f called and started the conversation with "don't be mad at me"… I think "uh-oh"… and he tells me that he has opened an account with a jewler and has started paying for an engagement ring!!! We have talked about getting married, one day, but we want our finances caught up and settled job-wise etc. He says that he was window shopping a while back, saw the ring, and knew that it was the one he wanted to get me…lol. I am like HOLY COW!! I am happy about it, don't get me wrong…it was just a complete surprise!

After the beach, I head to WalMart to return something and grab a couple of things…while waiting to handle my return…this cute little girl just comes up and says hi and waves at me (my son was sitting inside the shopping cart)… and once we were getting checked out, the cashier was really cool, played around with my son and we actually had a great experience in walmart! LOL

I am SO thankful for having such a great day and SO glad I forced myself to get outta the apt and go do something!


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