I'm really just worried because I will soon be finding out if I'm getting approved for ssi benefits because I cannot work.I haven't worked in a year now and even the past two to three years that I did it was very little, calling in, cutting my own hours and days, leaving early. So I finally just couldny go at all. It takes so long to be approved and most people get denied and have to appeal many times and this process can take years .so I've already spent a year trying to get approved and if I get denied again I don't what I can do I am so miserable living where and with the people I do ,that I just cant take it,I'm on meds but they just haven't seemed to do anything for the past two years . I wish I could work.I wish I didnt freak out and worry so much about leaving my home.and I really have no one anymore all my friemds have lives of their own and I domt want them knowing all my business and its going to be eight mths simce I ended an eight yr relationship. I cqnt stand the ignorance of some people and i have to live with it on a daily basis here, its not my fault u are a slob and cant ever find anything etc.i cant really talk to my mom because she tells everyone my problems, she doesn't understand and sometimes will just uses it against me/makes fun of me later .I never got along with her I know im her least favorite child. And now I have to depend on her for a place to live and all the stuff I need and to drive me places. I just can't waste anymore time living where I hate it and know I'm really not wanted .I need to get approved, move out and live on my own again. Just to be able to have asomewhat of a life,just anything I can talk to my dad but his life is so much worse than mine that it just makes me more depressed .I just want to be onmy own again.
Forever Alone
trueblue88, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Therapist, 1
I went to the Puppy Park with my dog today. It's one of the only places I can socialize...
Another night
uviah, , Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Medication, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Therapy, 2
 Another sleepless night, this became the story of my life, every night I find myself along with my worst...
Life Sucks
PsychoAspect, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Grief, Obesity, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, 2
Hi. I’m Cj Jean and my life is pretty miserable. When I was five my parents became polyamorous and...
Angry drunk
Le courage, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Questions, Relationships, 0
I am feeling like the world is crumbling down around me in the past month. So many people close...
One hour and eight minutes.
tangerinefish, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapy, 0
I just want to take my klonopin. Not even that I want to just take it, I want to...
Myth busters
bummer, , Depression, Bipolar, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Religion, 1
So, on the same day, I got a triple whammy. One from here, two from another part of my...
case, , Depression, Anger, Relationships, 0
So I guess to understand this blog you will have to read my previous blog. So later today after...
Loosely Planning The Future
ASBishop, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Anxiety, Career, Weight Loss, 1
Ah yes, again I debate possible future careers. I believe I mentioned in the last thing I wrote I...
Thanks for the comment. I know I already have been denied and this is my first appeal. I just want my one bedroom apartment back .I don't like living with other people ,unless it was a significant other than maybe 🙂