Today was better than usual, I think the long drive with Bob (the dog) really helped. We were in one of the older pickups, one with a single long bench. The sun was shining Bob had his head out the window, tongue flopping and drooling (outside thank god)…
Usually he has his head on my lap and my upper pants leg gets all damp, (eww!) but I still feeling like laughing.  It is nice to be able to rest my hand on his head while I drive., his tail never seems to stop thumping on the seat. 🙂  (Yes, I know I should have two hands on the steering wheel all the time!)
I have the radio on and I am singing along loudly and off key,  Bob does not seem to mind. 🙂 When I feel like this I forget to be aware of my body, my mind is occupied with driving, the wind, the sun, singing, petting Bob & just enjoying being alive with an animal I love! … I forget that I feel trapped in this boy body, I forget that I have been struggling with depression,  Bipolar, who me? My worries about the future, moving away from home, Dad getting help running the farm…. making friends, and most important of all…..finding someone to love me for who I am on the inside. … drift off into tomorrow, things my subconscious can mull over.  Concerns for later…..

When I reach our driveway and slow down for the turn, dust starts billowing out behind us like a rooster tail, Bob stars chuffing, short enthusiastic breaths. I am still singing and slowing down so I can avoid any chickens or other animals roaming around..
After I park and let Bob out I get a cold drink, settle in on the porch swing, and revel in the beauty all around me. I am still smiling as I drift off into a nap….. 🙂   Wondering what I should make for dinner….?
Sending all of you some of my joy, a smile, some hope,, peace, prayers & dog drool  – Iris      🙂  






  1. vickiemobley 1 year ago

    Hello.. I really enjoyed your blog. I have 7 dogs and they are my only companions. Their being here with me really helps me with my bipolar disorder and episodes. Thank you so much for brightening my mood with your words.

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    • Author
      iris-dar 1 year ago

      My pleasure! I am not embarrassed at all to admit that I love my animals, and I believe that they appreciate me too!
      Hard to explain to friends why I am sad when a chicken dies… What they don’t know it that I raised them by hand, feeding them by hand every day, handling them a couple of times every day. Sometimes I will just sit down (carefully) , and let them walk and scratch and peck all around me and even on me. I want them to be relaxed when they are with me.
      And, even “tucking them in” on a folded towel in my lap while I watch tv. I have a few pictures of twelve or more of them, asleep and warm from each other and my hands. I keep my hands inside the towel with them, so they think of my hands as “mom”. I even have a picture of four of them sleeping on just one of my hands. 🙂 btw these are all bantams.
      I don’t eat my chickens, I think they deserve to live longer than four months like the ones in the grocery store. My oldest lady, BB died in her sleep one night when she was eight years old. 🙂
      A friend of mine, Brian was visiting and we were standing outside the front door. the flock all around us, pecking at feed and brushing against us, not troubled at all.. He said he was surprised by how calm they were. I responded with, “All it takes it time, love and patience, lots of patience.”
      Sending out some good feelings, a smile, hugs, hope, peace and prayers – Iris

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  2. Author
    iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Mute, cheers are appreciated…. I just wish I could have a few of these everyday! Unfortunately they seem rare as of late….
    I am trying to avoid the “Doom & Gloom” thoughts, sharing these events helps!
    Sending you some hope for peace, a hug, smiles… – Iris

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  3. Author
    iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Mute, cheers are appreciated…. I just wish I could have a few of these everyday! Unfortunately they seem rare as of late….
    I am trying to avoid the “Doom & Gloom” thoughts, sharing these events helps!

    Hey Vicki, I can appreciate and share your love of animals: they are usually energetic and happy to share affection. They never judge me, or don’t seem to… And they can definitely tell when I am feeling lonely or sad… I get surrounded!

    Every morning I wake up with Cleo between my knees, Tony along my right side & Bob is on the floor where my hand lands if I drape it off the bed. I begin the day feeling like I am blessed to exist with these spirits as one Exotic Being.

    Sending you some hope for peace, a hug & smiles… – Iris

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