if this is going to upset you dont read it.i write this today becuase i dont know what to do and i fell that today is the day that i share my story to get help. so frist off my real mom left me when i was 7 months. then later on as growing up i was getting abused my parents. then a few tramatic things as happen within a year. as i was coutinuing to grow up in 5 i was being bullied really bad not knowing what to do. in my middle school years i started to develop mental health problems not knowing what was going on with me until my socail worker told me that i might be having sings of anxiety and depression. half through 8 grade year my teacher called cps on my parents. as i keep growing older more and more things start to happen like almost getting killed by my sister for being apart  of LGBTQ+ and then dealing with my parents doing drugs and still abusing me in many differnt ways  i was admitted to hospital 30 or more time within these last two years went to impaient twice becuase i cannot take life anymore. now i am in foster care becuase i had parents who werent caring about me and we got evited twice and got kicked out of 10 hotels so im glad im in foster care i been through a lot and dont know how to let it go any way you people can help like giving me advice or being my friend i will really appreaite so much 

  1. iris-dar 10 months ago

    Hey Oakley, I am so sorry to hear what you have been through…. Life is hard on some of us…. Others really have no idea how easy they have it….
    I know you are strong!! You might feel like the whole world is against you. But there are some of us out here who are sending you prayers and hope. Please, please don’t leave us…. okay? If I could, I would give you a hug first thing every morning when you wake up, and last thing at night when you are going to bed!
    Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope you will watch the sunrise knowing there is love out here for you!! Your future will be better, I promise. ♥ 🙂 ♥ 🙂 ♥ 🙂 ♥ 🙂
    I am sending you some of my strength, some patience, lots of hope, peace and prayers – Iris
    p.s. Bob says to say “hi” too. along with a little dog drool… 🙂

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  2. mrteaowl 10 months ago

    I just started being here. I’m sorry you went through a lot. It can be hard to let go of that stuff. That stuff takes some understanding and time to work through. All I can say to you is, one day you’ll have to forgive them. I’m not saying that you have to actually forgive them, but forgive them to the point where you will be able to stop carrying them around in you head. All of that takes time. I hope everything gets better for you and you find good people to help you through this.

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