Today I was frustrated with the snails pace in stepping into self exploration and I put on a dress. I know my family and some of my friends might not understand and/or like an AMAB going outside the societal norms. People do not see how truly unfair that ANYONE stripped of their freedom of expression is cruel and oppressive, especially when it quite literally hurts nobody else.

I soo badly want to cast away these lines all around me of what has been my box of expectations and how to adhere to them.  I really think it would be more palatable for people if I were gay, people can’t seem to wrap their heads around sexual orientation, gender identity, and personal expression are not the same at all.  I also wish people would be supportive of family who do not necessarily look the LGBTQ+ part and not having a sense of embarrassment for themselves.

For the dress, I loved it despite it not being meant for my body/build but a clip goes a long way.  I did take a few pics (which I’m not showing here for obvious reasons) and I’m sure it would look much better if I had shaved legs lol

TLDR:  Dresses should be for anyone wanting to rock it.  Support those around you who want express themselves outside the norms.  Dresses are better with shaved legs. 😉

  1. bobbid 6 months ago

    yes! Congratulations on this important step in self-discovery, may there be many more.

    1 kudos
    • Author
      linktothepast 6 months ago

      Thanks! My current situation is tough to explore and relationships can be… complicated at times. I sent the pictures to my best friend and she treated it like a catwalk demanding more lol. Her wife said she will put some stuff aside then I eventually visit.

      Ash has given me pointers how to balance proportions with different clothing types. So I have some ideas of my potential style

      I would recommend looking at cold shoulder shirts, they look fun!

      0 kudos
  2. iris-dar 6 months ago

    Hey Bobbid, If you were here with me you could wear whatever you want!! although only a trench coat and a speedo might get a little chillly.
    On hectic nights my mind (my meds have all worn off) is restless and the pile of clothes grows and grows, As I try to keep up with this fluctuating sense of gender,,,,, stuck on M for a while… long enough to cook at least. But then once it is all dished up and the kitchen is tidy, I want to relax and enjoy being me…. and I revert back to F and my happiest state, as Iris! 🙂
    I personally know they feel better with shaved legs…. But I hate to shave anything. And the itchiness of it growing back in. If we were not meant to have it we would have been designed this way. European woman have it right,
    But do what makes YOU happy. Don’t listen to anyone else, ….but maybe stay open to friendly suggestions?
    Sending hugs – Iris

    0 kudos
  3. iris-dar 6 months ago

    Hey Bobbid, If you were here with me you could wear whatever you want!! although only a trench coat and a speedo might get a little chillly.
    On hectic nights my mind (my meds have all worn off) is restless and the pile of clothes grows and grows, As I try to keep up with this fluctuating sense of gender,,,,, stuck on M for a while… long enough to cook at least. But then once it is all dished up and the kitchen is tidy, I want to relax and enjoy being me…. and I revert back to F and my happiest state, as Iris! 🙂 Some days, it shifts unexpectedly , M to F to M to F for what feels like half hour increments..
    I personally know they feel better with shaved legs…. But I hate to shave anything. And the itchiness of it growing back in. If we were not meant to have hair in these areas. we would have been designed that way. I think European woman have it right, ………………………..But do what makes YOU happy.
    Don’t listen to anyone else and follow your heart ….but maybe stay open to friendly suggestions?
    Sending hugs – Iris

    0 kudos
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      linktothepast 6 months ago

      Not sure if this was meant for me, but I certainly wouldn’t wear a trench coat with a speedo, I already have a hard time not feeling like a pervert wearing female clothes let alone something that would be kind of pervy.
      Everyone I’ve talk to or have read said shaved legs feels way better and I’m really curious since I have fairly hairy legs. If I ever attempted to pass while dressed I would 1000% shave my chest. I don’t have that much thankfully, but I do not think having hairy cleavage is a good look.

      0 kudos
  4. Author
    linktothepast 5 months ago

    I feel you are being generous about the hairy legs thing. I hope to get my own dress that is meant for my proportions. Gradientsoul actually gave me a link for a sweater dress that looks SOOO nice.

    0 kudos

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