Hi S____, I find cursive to be calming and meditative, unplugging and getting a break from the endless electronic distractions.

I am currently on a tour of fountain pens, there are a surprising number of options. Current favorite is the Twsbi Eco, so easy to refill and seeing the ink level is really nice. So very much cheaper than pens that use cartridges. Color variety packs rock!
Why, yes I do have ADHD!!
My brain never stops… ideas and thoughts are endless and scattered. Like trying to catch a single leaf in a wind storm. Once in a while i get a hold of one long enough to write it down, which is awesome!  Talk to you later,  Iris

1 Comment
  1. jamie1996 1 month ago

    Hey Iris
    You insights and observations are well beyond your years. I think i understand why you feel like you dont fit it sometimes. The reason? You are so much smarter and able to see and feel so much more that most people. I hope you can come to understand and embrace how incredible you are as a human. Love yourself, you are an amazing and beautiful person. Live your life to the fullest. Love will fi d you and it will be beautiful.

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