
I haven't been on the site lately and I felt badly about it. I feel compelled to just write that although I don't go on the website and blog frequently- I am always thinking about the people who are on this site and the people who have written to me and gave me a sense that I am not alone in this.

I am feeling well right now and it is at these times that I can see how far I have come in terms of dealing with my OCD. During these lulls I can stave off guilt and feel proud for coping. It gets me thinking that it's amazing that so many people out there also cope and keep managing to get through the anxieties. But I don't like the thought that there are other people whose minds are hurting them in the way that I know mine has done and does to me at times.

so, thank you all for being such a supportive and honest group of people. I am so thankful I have found this site and this support. I don't know you all personally but I somehow want to get it across that you  all are really significant… to me and to all of the people that you have written to when they blogged about tough times. I truly truly am not typically a mushy, cheezy person! I used to be such a cynic. But, honestly I think that what is happening in this website is incredible and I think that you all should take a look at yourselves and appreciate the fact that you take the effort to write and care enough about people you hardly know to help them through almost intolerable times.

So, thank you! and I hope that everyone in the DC area is enjoying the blizzards!


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