Why is it that everyone in my life thinks they know anything about what its like to have Cerebral palsy they get frustrated with me ….or having to take care of me i know its shity job but they have no idea what its like they havent went to one class to teach then about cp and why im the way i am ………..they see that i do something and if they cant understand it cuz they can do it or its not like that for them…..so ppl have a hard time when i try to give reasons why this or that happend or what ever…….i know what its like being a alcoholic….ive  never done drugs but ppl say i should …….ill give u a example …few yrs ago my mother went with me to doctors we talked about getting another operation on my leggs …..ik told my mother reasons why it weasnt a good idea ………she pretty much disreguarded what i said then the doctor came in and after few minutes talking …he repeted word for word what i hasd said to my mother…well now she was like i see what u are saying doc ………this happens to me everyday of my like it seems like ppl get upset cuz they say i just think about myself …………but im the only one who has av fucking clue how my mind works .my body …..im only one with CP …and with everything going on wioth my gf ….umong other reasons…..but when she finaly told me she dont love me as a bf atm cuz she needs a "normal bf" and she dont know if she can get past ….the handicaped part of me …….And she told me quit feeling sry for myself ………IM FIGHTING NOT TO HATE MYSELF ………..i just wish any of them could get just a glimps of my life and what they take for granted……..if this feeling sorry for my self .then maybe i shouldnt say anything i gues i just should let it eat me from the inside out and dievwithout ppl having to deal with how I feel aslong as they can say i had no idea..

  1. steviel 16 years ago


    just sending you best wishes bro'.

     understand what its like to fight not to hate myself in regards to being disabled

    not sure i can be much help..born prem with mild cp and then hit with MS at 27,kinda of double whammy huh.

    but just wishing you inner strength and good stuff to come 



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  2. metalheadfreak1992 16 years ago

    Hey, doode… I can REALLY understand what your saying. I don't know what it's like to have cp, but what I have read I know it is really hard to deal with. You can't do things other people can do, and that sucks. I think that is really messed up what your mother did, but I think she just needed to hear it from a profesional to really understand. People can be so cruel, I know what your saying and I get it. It's really them, not you. They don't know what a good person you are, all they see is the outside. They don't understand you. They don't understand what your going through. They have no clue what it's like to be you, and they never will. I'm sorry to say this, but people don't care. People don't care how anyone feels like or what it's like to be them, no one cares how I feel or what I go through. They couldn't walk a mile in my fucking shoes. And I wish people would just understand, but they will never. I know it's hard for you, but you just gotta keep on fighting. You gotta try to love yourself, and if people keep on acting the way they do…well fuck them. They don't understand. Only YOU know what it's like being you. And it will always be that way. I know you need someone to take care of you, and everyone knows that, and they shouldn't not want to help you. They know that you can't do everyday things, so why does it bother them. It's alright… Even though people don't understand atleast you do. I hope things get better for you, if you need anything just message me.=]

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