Does anyone find that their anxiety presents itself in a different way either in general or when they find their social anxiety to be "under control" or they are at least actively working on it? I ask because I find that my social anxiety has gotten so much better with the work I have done on it, don't get me wrong it is still there but it is much more manageable and I have more tools then I did when I started this journey. But I have also found the the more awareness I get the more I realize my anxiety is not just specific to social settings…and more so, since I have come to a place where my social anxiety is more manageable I notice my anxiety coming out in a very different way. And frankly…I am finding this to me more difficult to handle.

The anxiety I notice now is revolving around bad things happening in some way to my boyfriend. I find myself very focused on that…not all the time, but when we are not together for sure as we live a considerable distance apart. It came up very strong just now because I was thinking how this weekend will be the first weekend we spend very little time together…which is good because we are each doing our own social things which is definitely a positive thing. However, out of nowhere there was that nasty anxiety thinking about things happening to him and me not being there.

I guess in many ways i have had anxiety around bad things happening my whole life…when I think back on it, which is partly why I am so all about planning things out and being "prepared" The problem is with this way its coming out it's more frequent and more bothersome to me. As I grow and heal parts of myself I strive to grow more and I know worrying about what life may bring is such a miserable way to live and not how I want to live…but I am finding it really hard to change my mindset on this one. And the difficult thing…with social anxiety at least I was able to avoid the situation that made me uncomfortable…I can't exactly avoid this anxiety…please any thoughts or support would be great, as I have written a book at this point. Thank you!


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