Just admit it! I already know!
x10122007, , Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Relationships, 1
You know what I’ve come to despise? How some men…or maybe just the men that I know…are in denial...
inkatobacherry, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 1
Lots of swearing and stupid shit. Im just venting in this so all the yelling and swearing i do...
Viscous cycle
Justfortoday2003, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, 0
Today I just got out of the hospital I was in the psych ward for 10 days. First I...
littlecloud, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Self Esteem, Weight Loss, 0
I’ve been really struggling lately, partly due to the weather, partly due to lonlieness, partly to a feeling that...
On being (semi) vegetarian
Twiggysiren, , Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, Anxiety, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Weight Loss, 0
I was a strict vegetarian for about two years, and that was about a year ago. Recently I have...
HELP! need advice on Rx
ChickWhoLeftEarth, , Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, Medication, Therapist, Therapy, 0
It's been a while since I've been seeing a psych and therapist regularly and unfortunately the place I used...
sucks to suck
avigayil, , Anxiety, Depression, Depression, 1
today I have been having depressive and awful thoughts that I cant seem to stop. All I can think...
Head like a hole…
xillah, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Weight Loss, 0
So, I'm thinking of signing on for this Healthy Indiana plan so I can get health coverage. I worry...