Well, here I am, another year of the holiday season and I wish it was over allready. I remember when I was a young boy and I loved the holidays. Thanksgiving with my family was a meal I waited for all year, and now I didn't even have any Turkey this year. Christmas was a time I waited for with such antisipation that I used to try to stay awake waiting to catch santa,then I finally caught him and learned Dad was Santa, but still enjoyed the holiday through many years of my life. I don't know how I became so ill about it. Maybe it lost the magic and the people I saw around me in the world seemed to only view it as a present not a special moment of the year that love fills the soul. It became so much about the money and material things that I have become cold. I try not to, and I try to enjoy it for the magical day that it once was to me, but it is a little hard these days. As for New Years Eve, well usually I spent it home with the ex and my girls, maybe a nice dinner and Champagne at midnight then bed. But when I was young it was the adventurous night of the year where I got to sneak a drink or to from the adults, eat shrimp and all kinds of different food that I normally didn't eat and watch all the people act crazy. My Dads birthday is on January 1st so we always had a blast New Years Eve with a ton of relatives at my now long passed crazy uncle Dicks house.

So many good times in my past and many good memories that I have. Will my future ever hold as much excitement and wanting as those years gone by. I guess time will tell and hopefully something will bring such magic back in my life again

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 14 years ago

    Now it is your turn to create some of the magic that was the holidays.  First a receiver; then a giver.  Then is now!

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