I had a dream last night.

I was with people I knew. They were all quirky people. I was saying the guy next door is crazy. I was cleaning up a mess in the living room because fruit has been left there. I tried to clean it up before anyone got mad at me. I remember coming back from work. I had games in my backpack and other stuff. When I got home I accidentally found a card. It was a birthday card, and there were people around to celebrate my birthday.

Then I woke up. It felt good but then that feeling washed away. Because in real life. There isn’t anybody to celebrate my birthday. I know my next birthday when I come. It will be just another normal day. Me, alone, and maybe crying.

1 Comment
  1. iris-dar 8 months ago

    Hey Mr.Tea Owl, Ii know what it feels like to be alone on your birthday…
    Um. do people get mad at you in your dreams often? And are you often cleaning up messes? The most recent fruit In one of my dreams was a kumquat… mixed into a bowl of cherries and hazelnuts & I did not want to eat the skin… weird isn’t it?
    ~ ♥ ~
    In my dreams I tend to either be 1) trying to get away from someone or 2) Trying to find someone. I do have conversations, but the words usually turn into gibberish when i try to remember… It can be frustrating!
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    On the brighter side of things, if my phone is on the nightstand I can quickly get the “Voice Memo” program running, then I can recall my dream out loud. Which is great! I can think a whole lot faster than I can type with my thumbs!! * Sometimes I drift off again while I am talking and I get really hard to hear… as I fade away.
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    Which games were in your bag?
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    Why not treat yourself to a nice meal out in a restaurant or bar? This way you might not feel so alone… Make it a special occasion and wear some of your nicer clothes, maybe style your hair up a bit? ** One of the last bars I was in had a delicious dish of Spicy steamed muscles.. ( Yes, they had been frozen, so not the best… ) It is meant to be an appetizer, but if I am the only one eating (which is typical) it fills me up!
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    If there is a game on the television sometimes there is a crowd and I can feel the energy and excitement coming off of everyone. But I can only handle this if I can get the booth furthest from the bar, by the windows. I am still working up to being comfortable in crowds, so six other people feels like a lot!
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    Recently I have been in some kind of funk, energy is down, not motivated to do anything & barely going outside at all… It sounds like you are dreading your birthday? When I go out and about I usually don’t have company except for Bob the dog. We have great conversations…. and no, I do not know how he does this.
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    * This is a 1st generation SE ( a iPhone 5 ) so the screen is tiny. But I like it’s size. The Otterbox case is a tank, but it still fits in my pocket.
    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    ** for me, my “Nicest” clothes are the clean ones, and probably meant to be worn by men…. When I am at home I am usually dress up as “Iris”. This is when I am the happiest. 🙂 I really do not enjoy doing laundry. So sometimes I am wearing heavy work boots under a skirt, and a “frilly” blouse over some curves on top… Talk about quirky?!? I do not know if Bob would laugh at me if he could…..?.
    ~ ♥ ~
    Wow, my mind wandered off somewhere and this got a lot longer than I meant it to be. Welcome to the odd world inside this skull
    Sending you some hope for a smile on your face, a warm hug, and dreams for a bright future – Iris

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