Today is the third day of August. It’s my middle nephew’s birthday. It’s the “dog days of summer” but the weather is cool and overcast. I couldn’t be more grateful. I’m struggling today, and I’m learning to be gentle with myself when I struggle. It’s ok to have a hard time, even if that means suffering in some way. I’d feel even worse if the sun were out, so I have that to be thankful for. Though I’m nervous about September’s weather; sometimes the heat doesn’t show up here until then. Please Lord, let the hot days be behind us.

It’s cold enough that I could wear a sweatshirt and a scarf comfortably. I’m wearing my Teema, a Turkish towel that has multiple uses. I love it. It’s got so many colors woven into it; it matches pretty much anything. Oops… I spoke too soon, the sun just popped out.  Well it’s still fairly chilly even with that stupid sun. That just means I need to bring the curtain down over the door. The sunlight is just too bright for me.

I went to the store today to buy my husband and myself Mexican Cokes. That’s the only soda I’ll buy, and we have it only once a week. I have his in the fridge. The reason Mexican Cokes are all I’ll buy is that 1.) They come in glass bottles and 2.) They use real sugar. I will not drink a soda with HFCS, and definitely not with aspartame. I’m not thrilled that they use caramel color, but as I said, it’s only once a week.

It warmed up enough for me to take my Teema off, but still wearing my sweatshirt. I’m just doing laundry and trying to stay sane. I’m sure the caffeine and sugar from the Coke are the worst things I could be ingesting at this point, but oh well. I’m only human. At least I don’t have any snacks or dessert in the house. I ate too much crap last week and I have to try to get my weight back down. It’s hard because I don’t have much energy to begin with.

The sun went back into hiding and I can relax a little. We’ve just celebrated Lammas and I’m already thinking about Mabon. It’s basically the Wiccan Thanksgiving. I wish my magick were strong enough to influence the weather. I’ve cast rain spells before and it actually drizzled a bit outside the next day. But not a good solid rain. What I want is for this cool, overcast weather to last all week. Wouldn’t that be a blessing?


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