Sometimes it’s better than using technology to get to them in person. Find employment, get on the payroll for the NHS or something, TRUST me you can’t be worse than the bad ones who work here. Care homes, chefs, all you need is google to find all the employment websites and buy a house because the main reason you can’t get to your friends is they have had their phone stolen, are lost or have to keep where they are living on the low. They can’t invite you there and you can’t get in contact with them to invite them there. You have to keep your address secret also. Get a job and just rent a brand new place and i will tell you this, you need childlock google to find employment, i have a list of employment searching websites, yet to rent a place, you don’t need a personal landlord, you need to reieki back after breaking in to the underworld by feeling the emotion of harmlessness and good intentions. Find your family on the internet explorer not google version of ancestry and get a swap sent away in the post on the legal version of ancestry on google to trace your biological real parents.

What i want you to do for me by telling you this, is help find your lost friends and family which is exactly what i need to do also i have all my family and friends lost, is be an engineer, find a festival or recruitment for engineers we need to be able to invent microscope telescope laser cameras in the cameras already in the sky to find the blood and count every human and show their unique reference number on a map we can all access online so we can find our family and friends on a network. We also nee dan app for android that finds all our lost data and numbers of all our electronic devices by using voice recognition software that already exists. You can make friends at work and learn off them by doing all the tedious things like grating the cheerse or making the salads as a kitchen porter if you know what i mean but with technology being an engineer.

By the way, getting on with someone, liking someone, loving someone, working well with someone, studying with someone, being a good child or parent, are all completely different roles and LIVING with someone, trust me, is SO different. Just get a new pad for them to live with the fat git on the Xbox. Ok so all you have to do is walk around any area close to a town and look for those flags on sticks with the estate agency on and literally just call them and rent it for 50 a week or something. The catch? You need photo ID. Get a bus pass or something that will do. NEXUS or get a railcard, with a photo. It’s like a debit card. You also need to open a Barclays, HSBC, Santander, Lloyds or TSB or other commercial bank account. Maybe go to a church and make this known as everyone as everyone deserves an open gate to mitsubishi land, its all i know it really is, only thing is there’s no source of music.

1 Comment
  1. Author
    aloneforevernew 1 year ago

    We need to make the technology by becoming engineers to find our lost loved ones on the camera satellites in the sky plus the internet plus ancestry plus blood tests. It wouldn’t let me edit sorry.

    0 kudos

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