so,, we missed Jasper again tonight- well we can only assume it was her- i was sitting out in th car looking out by 8pm, sunset. she's been coming atleast by then.


the garage was open to, and it has motion dectors so when something moves inside the light turns on. i checked the door and under all three cars multiple times.


then suddenly at like 8:50 the light in the garage came on, so i quickly checked but nothing was there or under the cars.


I checked the door- the light had been turned off even though we told dad not to!- but I could see the food had been eaten.


I feel like such an idiot, how can I miss her like that!? i was so focused but I saw nothing and she was gone in a flash!


me and my brother talked about it while checking others places for a bit. we're gona put out more food for her tomorrow by the door as always but also the garage so maybe we have a better chance of seeing her.


our neighbor comes home late to, so he said if he saw her he'd try to catch her.


I think she's only been eating when she comes, the water looks untounched. I pray she's been getting water somehow because it's getting so hot!


i'm rambling, i'm sorry but i'm ao anxious for her! she's my baby and it's been a week already!


it's been causing me alot of GI distress, all of this. which mom is getting mad at me for. i'm sorry if this is how my body copes!


ugh….anyway, gonna try to rest a bit. feels like i'm gonna vomit. I just want to die, i'm a failure in every sense of the word….


Goodnight 🙁


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