So the more I think of it – the more I realize I really need to set some goals and actually obtain them.

So with out further a due’…

1) Get my license – I live in Los Angeles, so I am terrified of driving because people here are lacking in morals, safety and courtesy, to say the least. So I haven’t gone because I am to scared to drive with these morons. But I guess we all need to step out of our comfort zone – don’t we?

2) Get my G.E.D. – I always go back with the intention of finishing and then… something in my life comes up (family drama or personal drama) and I stop going because I just can’t handle both at the same time. But… it’s time to not let anything stand in my way.

3) Savings! Cha-ching! I’m probably one of the most fiscally irresponsible people I know. I mean, it seriously burns a hole in my pockets, purse or wallet. I do take care of ALL of my bills – ON TIME! But all left over… gets spent. I really can’t keep affording this luxury because it ties in with goal #4. So if you have any tips or tricks on how you guys beat this demon… please, please, please HELP!

4) Move the hell up outta’ Los Angeles. It’s no secret to the people who know me – I HATE LOS ANGELES! I hate the city here, I hate the scummy atmosphere and lack of stars in the sky at night, I hate the plastic people running around pretending they are someone and the way everyone is taught to back-stab one another. I’m seriously tired of this place. I hate the heat in the summer and the lack of a fall or winter season. I’m a cold type of gal. I love the snow, the rain and curling up with a mug of hot cocoa or cuddling on a stormy night. L.A. doesn’t get that. I’m sort of torn as to where I want to move too though. Since I can’t visit many places… tell me about your state… cause I need to learn somehow (Unless you are in Texas or Arizona – those places get hotter than hell haha.

5) Finish my college education! I need to stop being a lazy ‘tard and finish already! I want to have a better life. A life where I can afford to live and not just… exist. I want to be able to pay my bills and not worry how I will afford my groceries or that I can’t take the girls to the vet when they are sick (my two adorable felines). This living paycheck to paycheck crap sucks and I am SO DONE WITH IT!

So in short (or long) I could use all the support and encouragement anyone can offer me. I am so alone in this place. With out friends. So I have next to no support – it sucks sometimes.


Thanks guys and gals! =)


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