Today has been a much better day for me. I slept until 10 (again!) on the couch while Aaron and Zach started their day around me while I was conked out. Around noon we went to the store to pick up the stuff we needed for our picnic with Mindy and Joshua, and then headed to the park. It turned out to be a nice day for it, except a little too windy. But at least it wasn't hot.

We stayed for over 2 hours and chatted while the boys played with the toy planes Mindy had bought for them, which was really sweet. Aaron came too, which surprised me when he learned that her boyfriend wasn't going to be there. But he did all the cooking and grilling and played some with the kids. We all had a "treasure hunt" where the boys hid their planes on the playground and the adults had to find them. They loved it. It finally started to get rainy so we called it a day and packed up and said goodbyes. Next weekend we're planning on going to the beach with the boys and maybe having a sleep-over here at the house. We're going to invite Mindy and her boyfriend over for the afternoon and dinner and see if Joshua wants to stay the night. Luckily we live very close to each other so if he wants to go home in the middle of the night it's no big deal.

We had a pleasant day today. No arguing or feelings of absence between Aaron and I. I talked to him last night about it while we were going to bed and he said he was just tired after working midnight shifts all week when he normally works days. I think that's legitimate. He doesn't get enough rest when he works nights and it makes him cranky and quiet. Maybe all this has just been him being overtired. That would explain the glazed expression on his face most of the time, lol.

This week is going to be a tight week money-wise. We spent too much on groceries and now we're paying for it with having to ration on gasoline and other things. But we'll get through just fine. We always do. I don't need to worry about what I can control ~ and I can control how much I spend. So no shopping of any sort for me this week. I think I'm addicted to shopping because it keeps me from being stuck in the house all day being bored. That and new (or gently used) clothes make me feel better about how I look. It takes away some of the sadness of the weight gain for me. I'm dropping it little by little, but it's going really slow. The Ritalin killsmy appetite so thatI'm not hungry all the time like other meds made me. I'm mostly living on cereal to be honest, I just don't want anything else.

It's nice to have a new friend. I've missed having someone I can talk to and be open with about things. We have so much more in common than I ever thought we could have, and the boys love each other. They have their minor squabbles like all kids do, but usually they're together most of the time playing. I have another friend too, but when I see her it's a package deal ~ her and her boyfriend. I love them both, but we never get to spend any girl time together to talk or goof off by ourselves. The guys are always there with us. With Mindy I can call her and we'll talk for an hour or more about all sorts of stuff and don't have to worry about boyfriends and husbands intruding. When we hung out today I felt bad for Aaron that her boyfriend Chris didn't come because he didn't really have any one to pal around with, but he joined in our conversation some. The only thing that I wish were different is that Mindy and Chris had a better relationship. They don't really like each other and stay together for Joshua's benefit and comfort zones.

I guess that's all for now. I'm tired and want to get a nap in before I make dinner. I hope everyone had a good weekend, and if not for some reason hugs to you.


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