1. iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Dani, This is Iris, I am a transgender girl amab, who thinks she is a mix of Demi and Pan… I am not a professional in this subject, but my first idea is to read some subject specific definitions in a Queer or LGBTIAP+ groups glossary of subjects. From what I understand and/or read:
    A Pansexual person is: Characterized by sexual or romantic attraction that is not limited to people of a particular gender. (Pansexual people are attracted to all kinds of people, regardless of their gender, sex or presentation.)
    If, from a different perspective, you need an emotional connection –before– romantic interest starts you might be Demisexual: a person who feels sexual attraction towards another person only –after– establishing an emotional bond with that person.
    Amanda Finn (who I do not personally know) describes them in this way, “Demisexuals typically don’t do one-night stands or have flings. We build our physical relationships from pieces of our emotional ones.””
    I am not sure if understanding these terms will help you. If you are like me, I lean in the Demisexual direction. I absolutely need an emotional connection –before– any desire for intimacy begins! Regardless of how they present themselves or whom they are attracted to. This is not to say that I find Men, Women, or a mix of either equally desirable. I need to feel enough attraction to them to initiate steps toward intimacy. I start to feel the pangs of love once I start to gain an understanding of where their heart is guiding them…
    I hope knowing these terms will help you in your quest to explain or find yourself. This is a journey that I have barely started.
    I hope this helps you find someone to love. Hugs – Iris

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  2. Author
    dani197020 1 year ago

    thanks i am still evolving but the older i get the more i need an emotional conection rather then a physical one in the past i have allways separated the to people that i was physically atracted to and the ones i was emotionally attrated to…….im still mostly in the closet with family even though im over 50 years old…..in privet i dress as a women in public as a man except on rare occasion that i go to a singles bar currently i have a lesbian friend…………..i hope that wasn’t to much

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