Might as well introduce myself. I’m 21 He/They, and my name is Aristotle. Blogging about my sh- “stuff”, feels a bit much in terms of exposure, anndd I’m probably too comfortable with it if we’re being honest here.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified of employers or anyone I know finding this, but where do you go in a big world that feels lonely right? Is nothing sacred?

I’m not sure what I’m looking for here. I already have friends, I start therapy in a few days, idk. I guess I’m trying to look for people like me? Which is difficult, given I have Depersonalization Derealization Disorder and not a single thing feels real besides my stress (WOOHOO!!!).

I have living family, that I live with, but they don’t feel the desire to understand how DPDR affects my life. Often executing the triggers that I say affect me deeply. He- heck of a lot of gaslighting fr (will I get reddit style modded for swearing??).

Anyways if you’re part of the 1-2%, no matter how intense your symptoms are, pls talk to me. I’m tired of feeling like nothing is real, and that my symptoms are too unique. It’s lonely out here.


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