It finally happened yesterday. After 4 months of hell the dreaded phone call came. My Uncle had passed on somewhat unexpectedly ~ especially considering that he was in a rehabililation facility to get him strong enough to get him home.

I didn't know much until my Mom came home from going up to the facility with my Aunt to say goodbye to him. It was apparent that he had died peacefully. He was sitting up in his wheelchair and he look like he had simply fallen asleep. So I have to thank God that he took him home peacefully after all that he had been through.

I haven't gotten control of my emotions yet, which is why I haven't written a blog about all of this until now. I'm either numb, in a fog, or crying. My Mom has been the same way. And there's SO MUCH stuff to get done in so little time ~ obituaries, reading of the will, gettinga service set up for him,getting his death certificate in hand and letting everyone know about his passing on.

This morning after a good cry my Mom and Aunt and I met up for breakfast and tried to relax a little bit and focus on those of us that he left behind. Nobodyhad much sleep last night, so we all looked like hell butnone of us cared.

Weweren't our separate ways afterwards, and I went and looked for dresses thatwould be appropriate for the service. It will either be Saturday or Monday.

I'm going through that empty phase again, so I'm sorry ifI sound cold. Believe me I'm not.

I'llwrite again when I feel more stable. Thank you all for the prayers and positive thoughts.

  1. KnockedDown 11 years ago

    Loss is always hard, and especially stressful if you have to plan a funeral ontop of that.

    I wish you well, and I hope you have strength getting through that.

    0 kudos
  2. Jamaicat 11 years ago

    Stay strong !!!

    0 kudos
  3. ancientgeekcrone 11 years ago

    Dear Keya,

    Remember to be kind and gentle with yourself during this difficult period.


    0 kudos
  4. Andie372 11 years ago

    So very sorry for your loss.  You are truly in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficultl time.

    0 kudos

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