I’ve seen several psychiatric professionals to help me cope with being ostracized.  I am not a person who makes demands from other people.  I do understand that not everyone will like me.  I expect most people to dislike me but what these professionals can’t ever help me is to identify what I am doing wrong within the fraction of a second after I encounter a total stranger to cause that person to totally dislike me even without my opening my mouth.

They always tell me that people don’t know me enough to dislike me, people in general treat me a lot worse than they treat all others.  They won’t make eye contact with me and act annoyed whenever I try to approach them.

Shouldn’t these professionals know what turns off people so quickly?

Am I expecting too much?

1 Comment
  1. reedr34gmail-com 1 month ago

    I feel this way, no idea what it is though

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