I have come to realize there are times in life when you feel that things are just going down hill and then all of a sudden they get better.  Over the past few months my oldest child has been in and out of the hospital for about a total of a month for a stomach ailment.   So after a month and half of treatments he is finally better.  Then two weeks ago he decides it\'s time to practice the zip line and falls from basically the top fo the house to the ground.  So, fortunatly for him he didnt kill himself but did break his ankle and the cartlidge in it.  So more doctors.. Sometimes gotta wonder why he can\'t like sports like football or soccer but no we gotta be a dare devil.. Lets climb mountains and ride motorcross.

So as the injuries mounted up so did the stress things at work were going to crap the organization I work for was slated to be taken over by the county and layoffs were set to happen.  Had my employees that I supervise stabbing me in the back fighting to keep their jobs and finally Karma came around and hit them in the but.  My two assistants apparently were having an affair which got around the company and to their significant others and also impact ed their promotion abilities 🙂  I got a raise, a very significant xmas bonus first time ever and the county determined they can\'t afford to take over our area.  Found the perfect dress for an event I have to go to on Friday now just need the right guy.

The kids are going to have an exceptional xmas.  My oldest and I are spending 10 days after xmas together and the youngest is finally going to bond with his dad for 10 days to give everyone a break from each other.  I finally am going to have 10 days off work in a row I haven\'t had more than 3 days in a row off in 4 years.

So when things start looking down they always have away of turning back around just have to have alot of patience.


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