I suffer from male anorexia. The idea of eating too much, eating the wrong foods, and the fear of weight gain, is always with me. There isn’t a day that goes by now where the thought of not being healthy isn’t with me. I see so much junk food in our culture that it almost makes me disbelieve that people eat such garbage on a day to day basis. I have cut out almost all junk food and eat as healthy as I can. I do eat the occasional meal that is non-healthy but it isn’t often.
Withdrawls? and my growing dislike for my Psychiatrist
jessiebean, , OCD, Anger, Anxiety, Medication, Therapist, Therapy, 1
So, I though that I was doing all right cutting my meds cold turkey… but apparently withdrawl can happen...
Cleaning more cleaning and cleaning some more!
Eisely18, , OCD, Anxiety, OCD, Relationships, Stress, Weight Loss, 3
Hey guys! How are you? I hope doing better than i am right now. My whole body hurts cause...
Here We Go Again
lislis, , OCD, 0
Two months have past, and it’s time to file my finger nails down again. They’re getting too long and...
Compensating for some fault or defect.
jasonlovesmuppets, , OCD, Anxiety, Forgiveness, Hypnotherapy, Questions, Therapy, 5
Webster's dictionary defines redemption as: "An act of redeeming or the state of being redeemed." They go on to...
Falling Behind!
Jessealuvseashells, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, OCD, Therapist, 1
Last time I posted on here, I was typing from my house…now I'm typing from my in-law's basement apartment....
None I guess
tlh131192, , OCD, Therapist, 0
So today has been pretty good. I went to see the psychologist. First, I went to guidence and he...
A dignified treatment of material
buffster, , OCD, Anxiety, Child, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hoarding, Questions, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 0
\..with all the sensationalist ratings-driven programs which have been done on this subject on network & cable television its...
Breaking Point
danidanosaur, , OCD, Anxiety, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity, OCD, Relationships, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 1
At some point or the other, I think every sufferer of mental illness reaches their own breaking point.Today, I...
You need to talk to an expert… Anorexia isnt easy to cope with . But you are right the OCD is talking here… The ocd is maybe more the problem … I feel like that also .. but know that with normal eating and exercise….. the OCD is not screaming at me in the mirror… Its just taking Normal and makingit your normal….. keeping stress low probably makes things not so bad. But your right about OCD being more than the anorexia .. I think that Anorexia is a form of OCD… But you may have to just set up a normal schedule to work out and a menu plan for the week and allow your self days off ..or meals where you have a night off to eat that special something. If you feel that what your setting in place is normal …. then maybe when the urges hit… you will know that this is your OCD talking and you may be able to ignore the urges.., knowing your doing your best. does this make sense to you,