Well I won't take excedrin again…  About ten mintues after I took it, it felt like there was icy-hot all over my brain.  Then my nose started to tingle.  And I started to freak out that I was dying.  And for the past two weeks on and off my right hand has tingled.  Something is not right in there…  I almost called into work.  But I figured if were something were to happen and I had to go to the ER I would closer to the hospital at work.  So I made myself go.  I am just a freak… 


I've felt that once before when Dr. Z put me on Prozac.  It was fine with a low dosage but as soon as he uped it,  It felt like icy hot was searing though my body, especialy my head.  And I got a horrable head ache for weeks.  So I wouldn't take it anymore.  My mom tried to make me but I refused.  It made me really hyper too…  I felt high right before the zombie stage.  And that is why I am afraid of medicine…  Because I didn't feel like that until the Prozac.  And when I take the Zoloft it numbs my thoughts.  I can't do what I do best which is think.  And that makes me freak out.   


Anyway, I told myself to stop thinking that I was dying, that it could have been an alergic reaction…  Besides everyone is dying from the day they start to grow in the womb.  It's like everyone is just a ticking clock and some people have more battery life then others…  Oooo I'm not going crazy am I…  No…


Maybe I should go and get put on something…  I don't have insurance though…


And it feels like I am experienceing everything all over again.  Everything that I worked so hard to over come the best I could, by myself.  It's like it has started at day one and everything scary in my past is occurring all over again.  But faster.


Does anybody else here like to listen to the same song over and over and over as a way of comfort?  Like you find one song and that is all you want to listen to for about an hour or two because it makes you feel safe, because it distracts you???


I guess I should go to bed now…  But I'm scared to go to sleep.  UGH puppies and kitties – puppies and kitties lol  :)~


  1. raider916 14 years ago

    Thats a scary reaction to the excedrin. I recently had a similar experience where I thought I was gonna day the very next second for about 4 hours…but that was from eating part of a marijuana brownie. It shouldn’t happen with excedrin…shouldn’t with marijuana brownies either according to people who eat them normally, but Im on meds so who knows.I know I`ll never eat another one though.

     I dont have insurance either, so Im unable to afford a psychiatrist, but I pay cash (about 100 bucks) to go see my reg doc to get a prescription for Celexa. If you know what might help you, try calling your reg doc if you have one, and asking if they will prescribe something for you. I asked for the max mg of the pill so I can get the most out of the prescription with refills. Hope you feel better and can find some help with getting medication.

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  2. ancientgeekcrone 14 years ago

    Maybe you need a thorough physical, to rule out undiagnosed physical conditions.  You may not need to go past this step.  They may find it here.  You need to ask for a copy of the the tests (with the results) they've done.  If you need to go futher, you need a good medical history to take with you(including a list of allergies) to take with you to the nest level.  You also need to print out and take this blog with you (not to the physical- you don't want to bias the physicians at this level)

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  3. ocdmama 14 years ago

    I sometimes like to listen to the same song over and over in the car on a cd if it relates to what mood im in or whatever.so i relate on that!Finding the right meds are hard trust me i know.i have been on sooooo many!Right now im on klonopin(for anxiety),darvocet(for pain),zoloft and risperdol( for ocd).I never take the risperdol maybe i should start and just switched to zoloft from prozac.Trying zoloft again after a few years.We will see how that does,Oh and i am on vyvanse (for ADHD)I wish you had insurance! I know how hard that must be!Maybe you can google doctors that help people with no insurace.There has to be some out there that will understand and not charge you out the rear!Or some charity places.Hey its worth a try.Hope you feel better!Have a great day!\"\"

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