Yesterday and today, the Moon is in Capricorn, an Earth sign. I have been burning “Earth” incenses like Forest, Sage (Earth/Air), Patchouli, and Amber (Earth/Fire).  But first I banished any lingering negativity in my home with a dragon’s blood incense. I brought in positive energy after that by burning some palo santo and bringing in a sprig of mint to grace my altar. Mint attracts good spirits. It has been a stressful couple of days with me not knowing if I would get my anxiety medication on time. I requested it at 8am, and didn’t hear from my doctor till 5:30, when she sent a refill request to the pharmacy. And I didn’t get a text saying it was ready until 10:30am today.  I just didn’t want a repeat of last month’s experience, when I didn’t have any for a day and went totally bonkers.

I am working on attuning myself to Earth’s stabilizing energy. The Earth Element brings stability, rootedness, grounding, abundance, prosperity, and wealth. Burning Patchouli incense brings wealth. I’m praying that my husband’s raise will show up on his next check. It didn’t reflect on the last one, when it should have. I asked him to inquire about it, and he told me to stop asking about it. So I will cast the Increase Money spell to that end on Thursday, the day for money-drawing.

I am feeling unbalanced in my root chakra, which is the Earth’s chakra. Once I’m done making dinner, I’ll do a root chakra meditation. I’m going to make quinoa, chard and corn on the cob, with a salad. I am vegetarian. My husband is not. But the quinoa is good protein. … I decided to cook farro, it’s faster and easier than the quinoa. I’ll make the quinoa tomorrow when I have more time.

Anyway, I wish you all a blessed Waning Moon time, a time to clear out the cobwebs so to speak. Blessed Be.



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