Paperwork that I keep in my rack on my desk (the rack is labled and so is the folder the paperwork is in) is there because it is not complete (it still needs to be logged into a spreadsheet). The rack is on my desk jsut like other people's "inbox". This rack has been there since at least the three previous employees. Once I'm done with the paperwork, I file it away in the drawer.

However, now my "new" manager wants me to keep this unfished paperwork in the drawer. I'd told her it's on the rack because it reminds me it still needs to be done, and if it's in a drawer I will forget about it. She told me "Well, you better start learning to remember".

There is no reason for this work to be in the drawer, and there is every reason for it to be on the rack. The rack is not messy, it is neatly organized (nearly pristine compared to other workers). There are enough slots in the rack to designate an entire slot to this paperwork, and not over-stuff any other slot (in fact, I'd have to remove the slot because it'd be useless to have an empty one).

If she could give me a reason why the drawer is better, then maybe. But right now in the rack, it helps me work and if I put it in the drawer it will impede my workflow immensely. However, I have not gotten any reason why it needs to be in the drawer (and has as much sense to be in the drawer as my computer would; should I put that in a drawer too?), so for now I'm leaving it in the rack.

I suspect after my trip, I will come back to my desk being rearranged… again.

Because of that, I will be taking pictures of each drawer before I leave.


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