
Jason is happy

He has a loving family

Caring friends

Lives in a good home

Attends a great school.

Is very confident in himself

Never doubts himself

And never thinks about giving up

Jason has ran through adversity and doesn’t look back

He is loved by many and hated by few

He laughs in the face of evil

And believes he is truly the greatest

And will change the world one Day

Jason is attending his dream school this fall and has full support from his family

and friends

Everyone irl and over the internet want Jason to be happy

And succesful

Everyone is working towards Jason’s success

But most importantly

Jason knows he is unstoppable




Jason is miserable

His family fucking hates him and could care less

“Friends” are extremely fake and would rather laugh at him than with him

Lives in a terrible house

Attends a horrible school.

Has little to no confident in himself

Always doubts himself

And Always thinks about giving up

Jason has ran through adversity and is currently crawling

He is hated by many and loved by few

He shows no more in the face of evil b/c he has accepted his fate

He knows he is nothing

And will do nothing in this world

Jason is attending his last option school this fall and his family could care less

“Friends” still laughing at his choices

Everyone irl love seeing Jason miserable while the people over the internet want Jason to be happy

And succesful

The only reason they want this is b/c

They don’t know me irl

And thank God for that

Jason can’t lose everyone

Everyone is working towards Jason’s death

Downfall, suffering, his fate.

But most importantly

Jason knows that he is a failure.

Everything “bad” that someone could have… Jason has.






etc etc etc

He’s been thru it all, but he has to keep pushing

“Hope” is supposed to be Jason’s answer….

I think Jason has to stop getting Tails..

And start getting Heads.


But what do you guys think?

  1. savagepotato37 5 years ago

    You go man. You do you. You are so awesome.

    0 kudos
  2. starship 5 years ago


    0 kudos
  3. catwarrior 5 years ago

    Heads jason i know you can get through this even if you don’t think you can sometimes i know you can get through this never give up.

    0 kudos

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