My worst fear is not being able to speak…
But when asked if I’m okay I don’t.Speak.
The thing that they say I should do
Speak about your problems but who will truly understand?
I get told by doctors, friends, parents just speak
Why? Something inside me wants to. another side of me is thinking
I can’t trust them, they’ll just leave like the last person
So, speak they say fuking speak but I can’t…
The feeling of being trapped inside your own body is like seeing a light that is not there
It’s like being in a cage that no one sees
It’s like being in the darkest place and unable to explain or ask for help
Huh, help.
Help they say it will help
Just ‘’get help’’
One part of me wants to so badly but the other part says ‘’dont show weakness’’
‘’Dont show weakness’’ but I AM WEAK I CAN NOT BE STRONG ANYMORE
This weak is not being able to move
This weak is not being able to fight
This weak not being able to ask for help
THIS WEAK is being unheard
Somedays my mixed depression is like its never existed
But most days my mixed depression is like being dead, trapped, and on top of this
My mixed depression is not only a feeling but its a voice
A voice that never stops
I put on fabricated smiles so people dont ask if I’m ok’’
And counterfeit laughs
Why? Because im not
DO YOU HEAR ME I’m not okay,
Some people will say ‘oh you’re just sad’’ or ‘’oh it’s just a phase’’ OR ‘’OH YOU JUST WANT ATTENTION’’.
Attention. The one thing I need but won’t accept
I avoid attention because I put everyone’s needs before mine
Because I dont want them to feel the way I do
A people pleaser they may call it
Yeah, well maybe I am.
Most of the time I care more for others than I do for myself
More than i need for myself
But my mixed depression says ‘’Make them happy maybe you get some back’’
But you see this is a tactic my mixed depression uses to drain me even more till i cant feel
I am trapped inside my own body
I am numb
‘’I alone’’ my mixed depression says
‘’Youll never be enough’’ my mixed depression says
JUST KILL YOURSELF and make it all go away.
My mixed depression is not only ‘’a feeling’’ its many things
My mixed depression is a feeling, a voice, a thought, an illusion but yet it’s NOT its unbearably real
‘’It’s just an illusion’’…….
Most days i just tell myself that to make it ‘’go away’’
My mixed depression is now me.
I see this happening to myself but I am so trapped I can’t get out
My mixed depression why don’t you just go away?
Now im not too to strong with religion but iv grown up with it so i think to myself
No, they say ‘’god loves you’’
If god loved me why would this happen?
If god has the good great almighty power of all
And we are his children
WHY is my mixed depression winning?
I am a believer god but WHERE ARE YOU
Huh, My mixed depression is this endless road of overthinking
Overthinking all the small things that ‘’shouldn’t matter’’
But they matter to me
But do they?
Or does my mixed depression make the illusion so that I overthink think I do’’
Overthinking is being stuck inside your own head
Overthinking is being trapped in a loophole that never ends
Overthinking is being told ‘’your so negative’’ and years later still thinking about it
Why? Because i never got an apology but that for another time
For now, that is only a small part
Of my mixed depression.
Seriously though, the fabricated smiles it’s easy to see through them, Why don’t people see them?