ok so i went to the pshycologist today. I wasn't sure what to expect seen as it was my first time. I was right in guessing I would just be telling her about everything so another day we could start some therapy. When i got there though she basically said tell me what your problems are about , like obsessions and things. Well , i don't know pretty much everything. there are so many things that have gone on in my head for the past three years where was i to start? so I started explaining from start something I felt was important, so she could undertand where it all come from. she seemed to be confused because i started explaning about my past anxiety attacks, and when she asked me if it was all about anxiety i started explaining the obsesive part. and then she got confused and said what was i trying to say, on one hand i'm telling her about anxiety and on the other i go into obsessions. well , clearly they are related and that' s why i thought it was important to say some things that I said. she also interrunpted me a few times and even my dad said when we left even though he doen't speak spanish and didn't understand what she was saying that she seemed to be rushing me. And i left feeling that i hadn't explained myelf well and that it was a complete waste of time and that she didn't really get where i was coming from. So i'm thinking like what was the point of all that. Next time it's going to be someone else, she was just filling in today so maybe she didn't put much interest in because i'm going to be with someone else anyway and she just wanted me to get to the point. but I mean WTF? there supposed to be there to help and i left feeling like i'd wasted my time. I thought it was just me obsesing but my dad said the same so i don't know what to think. until i go next time i don't know, but for now she said i had to write down everytime i had an obsesion /compulsion and what i feel like 1-10 , what i did to fight it and how i felt afterwards. hmm so i write down every time i obsess? looks like I have a lot of writing to do in the next couple of weeks lol
Another year
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Errrr…so how did That happen?
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hahaha the mechanic thing made me laugh lol yeah exactly, I mean how hard is it ? I think i know more about pshycology than she seemed to and she did a career on it. Luckily like i said she was just filling in so next time i go it won't be her. Hopefully the other guy is a little better because otherwise i'd rather just work it all out by myself 🙂