Hi! I know that most people’s lives have been turned upside-down during this event happening globally.  The best thing to do is to keep as many things as you can in your regular routine.  Brush your teeth, if you usually get dressed for work every day – do that too.  Minimize news and negative social media, too much of this can cause worry and stress.  The financial burden for some is going to seem overwhelming.  If you know someone that is really having a had time, get them some help.  There are crisis lines and platforms like these to help.  Calm your mind with something you enjoy doing.  Paint, exercise, read a book, draw, or do whatever healthy, positive activity you enjoy doing.

All humans are strong and resilient.  You are strong and resilient.  It is ok to have all kinds of feelings, as long as you acknowledge them and let them go.  Feelings are like waves on a beach.  They come and they go, don’t let them puddle up your beautiful beach.  I am here and happy to listen.

  1. I am really stressed about the pandemic. I have a panic disorder and I have panic attacks whenever I feel like I am not in control. I am laid off from my job with full pay and it is something I have always dreamed of happening but it has turned into a nightmare because I am so anxious about not being in control and being able to go out as I like. I am so messed up and fed up with myself right now. I want to be able to enjoy my “time off” from work since I hate my job but my brain keeps on freaking out and giving me panic. I will try the advice mentioned above and try to keep my life on a regular schedule. I just want to know I am not alone feeling this way and that I won’t lose my mind trying to get thru this stressful situation. My family is supportive but I don’t want to bug them about my anxiety all the time.

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      kelli 4 years ago

      Hi! Whoah – it’s going to be ok. Sorry, it took me so long to respond. I am still getting used to this website. The best thing you can do is stop watching the news and social media and try to do anything in your normal routine that you can still do. Make a list of things you can do with this time and get to work!! I am still working, still going to school and still being a mom. We pressure washed the house and driveway this week, painted an old desk and made banana nut muffins. What do you like to do and what do you need to do? Are you in a red zone for the virus? Try to distract yourself with productive, positive things to do.

      Thank you for reaching out to me. Please let me know how you are doing.

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  2. gayle183 4 years ago

    I am new to this group..have had ocd for years..I am 63 years old and have had my ocd in control for a long time..but now because of the pandemic I am totally losing it..feel like I cant fix and get everything in order…help

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      kelli 4 years ago

      Hi Gayle,

      Welcome and sorry I took so long to respond, I am still working and in grad school. Only focus on what you can control. Everything else forget about. I know you want to carry the weight of the world but it will not help you. What do you usually do to distract you from the OCD tendencies? Do that – make some lists, mark some things off and do what you can do. That is all we can do right now. Be safe and let me know how you are doing.

      Thank you for reaching out.

      With much gratitude – Kelli

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