Does anyone get paralyzed by anxiety? A lot of times just after waking up (great way to start the day) or just lying down trying to relax, I'll experience an onslaught of intrusive thoughts and practically every thought, even helpful ones, like how I can let them all just be there and accept them, causes anxiety, basically because it's just a mental overload. I don't want to move for the tension, or if I do it's like a restless tossing and turning because the experience is so frustrating and taxing. It's almost worse when I try to just close my eyes and let things run their course. I notice bodily sensations, like my heart beating harder for a beat – I know it's probably because of the way I'm lying that I just feel it more, or maybe my anxiety actually amplifies it, I'm not sure. Writing about it now, it seems like no big deal. I'm also aware at the time that it's probably no big deal, but of course it's hard to use this knowledge against the feeling of anxiety. I guess I could try harder to let things just be, but it's like I always get sucked into ritualizing, by either a bodily sensation or intrusive thought. There is a lot of analyzing and explaining that I feel like I need to do. Why is this happening? What was I worried about earlier? etc. It's obviously a never-ending trap, but it's so hard to break away from. I've read about how to stop compulsions, but sometimes it's difficult to put those methods into action. Methods including postponing a compulsion or changing part of it in order to enact some control over it. It's like everything is so fast and intense all at once, that I'm paralyzed to act effectively. It's almost like my only option is to wait it out, though I believe there is a way to "control" or manage it better.

  1. Justme 12 years ago

    Hey Logan!

    I know exactly what you are experiencing! sometimes im so anxious it feels like I cant breath.  my cbt therapist said i must try a 1 minute roll-over.  Before trying to convince yourself that the thoughts are not true accept it! I cant!! I cant!!

    Im getting married in Oct and the thoughts dont want to leave me for a single minute.  Im asking reassurance from my mom the whole time so that she can just convince me that its only ocd and not the truth! and I know thats wrong aswell!!

    why cant i just be normal?

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  2. Logan 12 years ago

    I usually worry about the stress I'm incurring while worrying as well and how physically detrimental it may be. Of course there is always more to the feelings OCD can produce that is hard to put inti words even while it's happening, let alone after the fact. I used to think that I had the worst mental OCD or \”pure O\” in the world, or that it had advanced beyong my own or anyone else's understanding. But that's just the OCD talking. It's still the same problem that follows the same rules. It's relieving to know that others share my own or similar experiences. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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  3. WildGlitterFairy 12 years ago

     I have been there and still fight with this particular sensation even now. I don't know any way through it but to work through it . Each worry addressed and given its proper ( not excessive ) amount of time to pass through my mind and for me to say " No this is ok " or " No that is ok ". It drains me and I feel like running away at times but there is of course nowhere to run when your running from yourself. So i keep climbing , keep trying , keep praying and growing in hopes that this too shall pass.

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  4. Logan 12 years ago

    Too true. One cannot take vacations from oneself. Redirection of attention and focus is possible, though.

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