I’ve been going back and forth with myself to write this all week……this is just my rambles and processing but maybe someone else might find it helpful as well.

I find it hard to give myself a break especially recently with everything going on in my life and feeling overwhelmed.  My body is tired and I’m exhausted but I keep moving forward going to work, busy with school, and just trying to be ok but I find that I tend to breakdown a lot more as of late. The other day I was out and I just got this feeling of tiredness and frustration then started crying non stop, now I carry sunglass to at least give a sense of  me not faltering. Do you ever get that feeling when those around you say “you need to give yourself time” and “hope you get better” don’t mean it? Some of them are the same people who turn around and give you more stress,

how can they be like you need to rest and take time for yourself but give you a list of things to do and hassle you to do it on their time line. Recently, I reached out and voice that Im trying to relax, focus on myself, and say yeah im taking time for myself but you ever get that one person who says “I understand” but it feels sarcastic or belittling? Its annoying and irritating but ill just push it down again and again because that me.

The question I find asking myself is how can I have patience for someone else if I cant have it for myself.

(Was in drafts, but im back and felt it was time)


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