It has been a year since the dark empath left our lives.     The person left us with heartbreak, financial loss, verbal abuse, manipulation and betrayal in their path before it was all over.

I saw pictures tonight taken this time last year! Oh my!  No wonder strangers in store were saying that I had such sad eyes then.

If only if someone would of told me that the someday things would be better, and there was nothing I could of done to fix the person.  I needed to hear that back then

Some people are just broken    We can’t fix them   We can only be our own best version of ourselves and people come and go in life    Some for a reason and others for a season.

I remember wearing contacts was not even a option this time last year because my eyes were swollen from crying.

Yes, many tears, many hours researching psychology, pages filled up in a notebook about what happened with me writing about what I learned from it all.

Time passed at the same rate for us as the rest of the world   It seemed to stand still though and last forever.

The Covid 19 reality was less upsetting because our situation had already steam rolled us and we were in shock and trying to process what happened.

We thought we knew and could trust the person.

People have new people come and leave from their lives everyday.

If your heart is broken or if someone betrayed you, it can be devastating.

Time, knowledge and hope will get you through it.

The price and gain of the wisdom gained is that you are changed forever for both the better and the worst.

I hope that you are healthy, hopeful and content. Sweet dreams 😴



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