Hey, 3:01 am. Kind of "early" to be writing. I don’t know how much it has to do with...
post_modern_sleaze, , Anxiety, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Self Esteem, 6so recently i let a few friends go. even though i wouldnt really call them friends, they were more...
I almost went an entire week without purging
post_modern_sleaze, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Child, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Relationships, Therapy, Weight Loss, 3i relapsed with bulimia a few months ago. and im a total wreck because of it. and i want...
The amazing things that have been happening my in journey
miabrown713, , Addiction, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Eating Disorder, Relationships, Religion, Spirituality, 0so today the person that usually chairs our small meeting on campus asked me before the meeting started to...
DarknessRains, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Career, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 0It appears that I’ve been a member of this website since February 3, 2007. This is my first blog. ...
maggie, , Anxiety, Child, Eating Disorder, Medication, Personality Disorder, Relationships, 1I'm not much of a blogger but when something is really on my mind it does help to write...
I'm done.
MorphineCanBeFun, , Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorder, Grief, Medication, Personality Disorder, Suicide, Therapist, 0Yesterday, I went off. I screamed. I yelled. I growled. I cried. You name it, and I probably did...
Temptation, she’s a part of life, doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
thymeoperator, , OCD, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Grief, OCD, Schizophrenia, Sleep Disorders, 0A couple days ago I had a nasty stomach bug, and by this point I know how to make...
fleshinthepan, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Relationships, Religion, Weight Loss, 0It is the time when I need my confidence most and my clarity.To actually admit to a whole website...
Barely here today
La_Nouvelle, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Child, Depression, Eating Disorder, Therapist, 0I feel so awful today. I haven't had any dessert since Thursday. It's killing me today. I want it so bad. ...