On a white board, in my closet, nestled away kept safe, there lies a simple little doodle, from my...
Don't know
Unsureithink, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Schizophrenia, 0I'm frusterated by the internet right now. In regards to my account on this blog it says I have...
Let God Sort 'em Out
Solo_Hans, , Depression, Anger, Borderline Personality Disorder, Career, Child, Personality Disorder, 2No, no murderous thoughts (angry though) ….the title refers to the idea of F them all, let God sort...
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Scooter76, , OCD, Addiction, Anxiety, Medication, Parenting, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Self Esteem, Therapist, 3I started reading a book called No More Mr. Nice Guy written by a psychotherapist last night. It started...
Why doesnt it seem to get better.
zolablue, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Personality Disorder, Sleep Disorders, 1I want it to get better. I dont want to be so worried all the time. People I know...
Today's been a rollercoaster
Bec20, , Anxiety, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0I started today happy as bee, I had an amazing sunshiny feeling walking to Uni to do some radio...
I can't, I wan't, I hate, “I” sucks
alanoriley, , Addiction, Addiction, Child, Medication, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Questions, 1"I" couldn't (can't) fix me. The word "I", the shortest word in the English dictionary, was my...
Today marks a new day for me. I helped a complete and total stranger… I've done that before, don't...
Today marks a new day for me. I helped a complete and total stranger… I've done that before, don't...
Tired, deadened, searching for something helpful blog
minimalist, , Depression, Career, Depression, Domestic Abuse, OCD, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, Therapy, 2How my mental problems plague me! What to do? I've been to a therapist. I've been to years of...