I am on a personal mission to come to terms with my experiences. This site has been a great way to start expressing that, but ultimately I decided to start my own blog about my experiences. I don’t know if I am allowed to do this, but I would love if anyone here could support me by giving my blog a read. It gives trigger warnings where needed and it really is just a way for me to start talking about my experiences and supporting others who may have had similar experiences in an easy to read format that is 100% anonymous.

My website address is listed below for you to have a look through. The blog is on the \”diary\” page.


Let me know if you have any issues with the site or comments about the content you can comment on the site or let me know in a comment here.

In the blog I talk about my experiences of abuse, family issues, PTSD and my resulting cognitive behavioural therapy and experience in trying to cope with my memories on my own. The first post is purely about my experience. I attached links designed to support readers as well, including suicide prevention websites, forums (including the tribe and similar websites), mental health awareness websites and advice for young people.

I hope you like my website and if you do and think it might be useful to friends or family please pass it on, so I can improve my blog and reach more people who have had similar experiences. The post can be shared via social media and offers a contact page where more personal questions or responses can be directly sent to me.

Thank you all in advance for your support and advice.

Much love everybody



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