I’ve long felt that I’m not your typical Wiccan. Well I can’t be if my God is Yahweh and my Goddess is Gaia. How quirky is that? I don’t like a lot of Wiccan/Pagan music. Some of it is great, but much of it is too dark for me. I’m all about love and light, there is TOO MUCH darkness already in the world. We need balance. One thing I wish to bring to my Wiccan practice is the joy that I felt while a Christian. That may not be the experience of every former Christian, but I ALWAYS felt joy in Church. I was in the choir; that probably contributed to it.

I didn’t leave Christianity because I dislike Christianity… I left because I could no longer feel the presence of Christ. That’s it, that is the only reason. I still believe He is there, but I can’t, for whatever reason, experience Him anymore. So that left me with a gaping spiritual hole, that Wicca fills nicely. That’s probably another thing I feel differently about… many Wiccans and Pagans had bad experiences in Church. The Spiral Rhythm song “I Am Pagan” point-by-point takes a piss on Christianity. I think that’s sad. Yes, be proud of being Pagan, but don’t drag another religion through the mud to boost your own.

I love candlelight and using scent, whether it is incense or diffused oils, aromatherapy is a large part of how I practice my religion. I love floral and amber scents. And sandalwood. Mint is nice, and patchouli too. It uplifts me.

Many Wiccans use the days of the week to determine what spells they do when. I used to be like that too, but I felt bogged down by it. Not to say I don’t cast money spells on Thursdays, which I do, but I don’t want to box in each day of the week with a certain energy. If I need to cast a money spell on a Tuesday, I won’t wait till Thursday.

One thing that confuses me about Wicca is the contrasting beliefs in both ancestor veneration and reincarnation. How can we call upon our ancestors if they’re already reborn into somebody else’s family? So… I don’t believe in reincarnation. I don’t know the stats on how many Wiccans do or don’t. I just know it’s not for me.

So I wish to be a being of love and light, casting my spells during the day (out of necessity but I think I’d do it anyway), and sending positive energy and love to the world. Peace.





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