I feel like all I have done for the past year is focus on the negative….so its time for me to start looking at this whole anxiety business in a positive way.

When I think about it I truly feel like my experience with anxiety has really helped me and is making me a better person.  It has helped me focus on a lot of issues that I have ignored for a long time mainly by helping me finally grieve the loss of my dad.  Basically if I wanted to move forward I realized that I need to deal with the past.  And dealing with my anxiety has forced me to do that.

It also saved me from a relationship that made me unhappy but most likely I would have stayed in forever.  I think in the context of that relationship, my anxieties were trying to tell me something and I ignored it.  Luckily my now ex broke up with me b/c of my anxiety and really it was a blessing in disguise.

And best of all I think it has made me a much more compassionate person and much less judgemental.  I am ashamed to admit that I used to be (for the past 6 years or so since my dad died) a very uncaring, selfish and judgemental person.  But from this experience I have learned to be much more patient…and I will never judge another person again b/c you never know what someone is feeling or has experienced. I feel like I am a much more supportive person know as well b/c I know how much it means to someone in need.

So really in a weird way I think anxiety has helped me.  I feel better emotionally and I know how tough and strong I can be. 


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