I cut my hair shorter,
and changed my name,
I changed my life.
The life I've made for myself now is different.
I'm a new person.
The only thing wrong with my new life is not having you in it.
End of a love story.
Getting better
QuadRaptor, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, 0
So things have been better, although I went through some hardships at school. Tried to take a test to...
God has a sense of humor!!!
anne1956, , Depression, Anxiety, Grief, 0
I have been so apprehensive about returning to work. I have been almost hyper making sure I have clothes...
A nEw DaY
WoMaNnBeAuTyyBrAiNss, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Social Anxiety, 0
Today'a A New Day. Good Morning Everyone. I'd like to have more friends to talk to on here so...
Worried about my second cousin
TessErin, , Depression, Anxiety, Relationships, 0
I know a second cousin is a distant relative but K–my cousin–doesn't have much of a immediate family. Her...
Short Story (written 3-20-10)
Andruzko, , Depression, Child, Grief, 0
The smell of Rosewood in the air, sawdust covers the floors. Faded flowers from memories long ago. Black and...
ladylaurenstars, , Depression, LGBT, Therapist, 0
I decided to ask for an apology letter from my x but I might not get it. I am...
Tribe recommended by crisis text line (TW: Religious trauma)
Sand, , Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, OCD, Anxiety, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Religion, Spirituality, 5
I tried to drown myself in my bathtub a few hours ago. I’m dealing with a lot of sh*t...
New counselor for the umpteenth time
TessErin, , Depression, Child, Depression, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, 1
I have lost count of how many different psychologists, therapists and counselors I have seen. I also have an...