The nice ones lol… Last night I had the best night ever it was my grandparents 40th anniversary. Originally nothing was planned because we never usually celebrate their anniversary, but grandma was feeling… I guess a little sensative this year and was saying to her sister that "the kids forgot our anniversary" (no one forgot, nobody really thought it was a big deal yet, not even pop) and Issabelle (grandma's sister) had never seen grandma this upset, so she messaged mum telling her how upset grandma was. So once mum and I got the message… panic mode set in, we knew this year she wanted something a little special and decided to make her week. so in 24 alot happened, we went on a huge search for a lovely restaraunt grandma had never been to, and trying to get a booking for the next night, I found one and this place was absolutely stunning with a beautiful garden and huge fish pond, so we decided this was the place, then next finding some one who could make us a cake, that one wasn't too hard then the morning of the dinner, searching for the perfect gift… mum had an idea of red crystal wine glass' just like the ones grandma's parents got for their 40th because mum remembers grandma just loving them, didnt find exactly what we want, but they were still red wine glass' was such a hectic morning driving all over the place, picking up and dropping of the cake at the restaraunt and telling the waitresses the whole plan. trying to get the whole family together, which didnt really work out, which was such a shame, my uncle and his family couldnt make it, they live hours away and with 4 kids and his own business being on call, was not perfect timing really, so it was just mum, me grandma, pop and Issabelle (but that was enough) then telling pop to get grandma dressed nicely and to be ready by 6, pop was sort of in on it, all he knew is that mum was taking them out for the night. So after all the rushing we picked Issabelle up and headed to grandma's, collected them and went to dinner. Grandma and pop loved the place, pop likes his Koi fish and the pond had HUGE koi fish in it and oh the place was stunning. We ordered dinner and took them for a walk around the gardens, then we had dinner, then after dinner mum and I went out the front for a "smoke" really to get their present then we popped up to the counter and asked them to bring out the cake and the wine in about 5 minutes. Mum placed their present in front of them and they opened it and then we took some pics of them then the cake and wine came out… and this was the ultimate highlight of the night, grandma was so happy and overwhelmed… she cried, it just made everything totally worth it, just to see her soooo happy I just wanted to cry with her, it was just great!!! and she said, she will remember this night for ever. I am just so glad it made her happy.


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