As a Christowiccan, sometimes is easier to focus on the Wiccan part and not so much the “Christo” part. But today, on the Lord’s day, I know He is with me. I’m listening to Baroque music right now; I’ve always felt that Baroque was the classical period the most focused on Christ. There is a plethora of religious pieces in the Baroque period’s huge reserve of music. Bach was deeply religious, as were Palestrina and Vivaldi. This music brings Christ to me. If that were possible. Which I think it is.

Jesus is in everything this morning; He is the Sun, the wind, the birds and flowers. He is more accessible to me than other deities. That is why He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. No one can hold a candle to Him. Best of all, I know he loves me. His Moon is in Capricorn today and tomorrow, so I am burning Earth incenses as a prayer offering to Him and his Mother, the Moon who reflects the light of her Son. I’m starting with a lovely blend called “The Planet.”

As this hot weather and sunny sky aggravate my anxiety, I have Jesus to hold onto for dear life. He will protect me and keep me safe and sane. Blessed Be and Amen.




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