For the first time in nearly a week, I was able to get some good sleep last night. And this morning, my shoulder pain was greatly reduced. Double win!

I also woke up in a surprisingly good mood. I don’t know why. Today I feel almost as good as I felt earlier this year. I felt ready to attack my work, I was able to focus better on what I was doing, and it was easier for me to leave the work that could wait for next week, to be done next week.

For what feels like months on end, I’ve been in this cycle of over working -> crashing -> feeling guilty -> overcompensating by overworking… and around and around the cycle would go. But today was the first day in a while that I was able to be realistic about what I could do today, and okay with what I have to work on next week. Could my 2nd anti-depressant be kicking in? Or is this a fluke, and I’m going to be on the shower floor balling my eyes out tomorrow morning? My track record lately is one good day, and then 5-6 days of bad ones (irritability, tearfulness, loneliness, fatigue, self-loathing &/or rumination). So we’ll see what the weekend holds.

1 Comment
  1. manonh 10 months ago

    That’s fantastic. I have the same cycle of issues. You should be proud of yourself for all this work! Thank you for sharing your wins on this site.

    0 kudos

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