Hello, This is  is a call out to cloudysun69 and i admit I’m in fault as much is cloudysun69 and this just incase untrue words are spread about me and cloudysun69. Me and cloudysun69 meet at this after few minutes talking she ask if i wanna videocall i agreed (and i have proof ask me to see but not the videocall chat we had ) she was flrting with me and began to show me her tops of her boobs i felt  uncomfortable since I’m not a big person to cause anything (beside this) i told her certain words maybe she didn’t get like “i must respect people and we only 13” and i agree it is my fault  for not saying no straight up but what made me more uncomfortable when she reply to me saying “we are only 13 ” she reply “so?” after that she went to the restroom and took her cam with her i didn’t see anything but i felt odd as she was using the restroom her mic was off but her cam was on but i still felt nasty and again i should have told her but i did when the next thing happen when she wanted to video call me while she showering with close curtains of course i felt uncomfortable and let her know i be leaving i admit she did say sorry and i forgive her her mic was on so was her cam and here the part i maybe be a bastrad or asshole your choice but since i was but hurt for she calling me annoying (i have proof) me and my friend  which this is not any her fault as this was my idea and I’m aware she would not say no.  i decide to let her chat with cloudysun69 they chat is pretty normal until she began to flrt and asking if she was single (i don’t not have proof as my friend isn’t okay with sharing that)  and before that happen she was wondering why i was avoiding her this whole week i admit i try to lie but she didn’t fall for it soi told her the truth mostly she boreds me and i wanted to hang out with people i can relate to.to that she respond by telling me we were on same page i was annoying since she guess it was the way i act also while my friend was chatting with cloudysun69 she kept spaming  to talk to her and she wanted video call daily but after learning  my friend age she turn her age  to 13  to 14 I’m not sure if true or not as it changes it on there own  and to prevent this from happening  again i will avoid people who i barely know if they want to video call or anything that relates above  and this behavior is does not and will not belong here in this website  and be aware some people do get trigger  easily  cloudysun69 and that goes for anyone who reading this .

(Sorry if i trigger someone or have a big fight over this it just i cant stand behavior like this)

  1. zari 10 months ago

    Girl(sry i know you dont know who u r right now)… I am so sorry you had to go through that. That was not your fault. She should have known better, and to me it doesn’t sound like she really cared about you. Please get in touch with me if you ever need help(or someone is making you uncomfortable) or you just need someone to talk to or listen to you. You should not have had to go through that. I hope you are okay.. Stay strong❤️

    1 kudos
  2. sullengirl76 10 months ago

    Ditto what Zari said. It wasn’t your fault. First of all, that isn’t appropriate behavior for having just met someone through DT anyway. Secondly, when you told her your age, that should have been an indication to her that you weren’t comfortable. She should have stopped. The fact that she kept escalating it, too, is what makes me mad. It shows that she didn’t really care how you felt, she just wanted to make herself happy. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Same offer Zari made is extended from me: if you ever need someone to talk to or just listen to you vent, please reach out. Stay strong!

    0 kudos

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