Today, I sit outside by a toad 🐸. He watched me water the flowers and plants. Now, he seems to know I am sitting right here by him but is okay with it. We are looking at the body of water together. Pondering. Much like my toad friend pictured above.
I feel so lonely living here in the country,The “interesting” husbands relatives living walking distance away, I am being very kind saying interesting.
I don’t work and no I am not merely lucky. It is about lack of jobs here. Technically, I am a domestic goddess which is a job. Requires marriage, housework, pet care, parenting, plant care, yard work, laundry services…. Oh my! The excitement right!
Last night I did a sleep hypnosis session to forget your ex online and it helped with pondering on the ex situation. I have done this twice so far. The results last in a big way for two days and after that they are more of a reframing tool.
The next one sleep hypnosis that I am going to do is for anxiety.
I feel like I live a lie that looks good from the outside looking in. I like being able to be honest here.
I missed the clues with my husband before I married him that it wouldn’t be a healthy relationship. It was “too” extreme with the love thing (love bombing) and now I live with the cycle of low level emotional abuse cycle.
I can deal with but it takes toll on me It helps to share my reality. Thanks for reading!
I hope that everyone has a lovely and content day!