the United States

Sometimes, too, the United States treasury has occasion, in its financial duties, for the services of a bank that are out of the ordinary routine of business. It tory burch shoes is more likely to obtairl these from a national bank, which is dependent on the federal government, and with whose officers its own have been in the habit of doing business, than with banks whose dependence is on other legislatures, and whose connection with the government may be but recent. When the federal treasury has to rely on state banks for its financial agents, those agents will be liable to perpetual change. Sometimes, as we have lately seen, they will fail, and be compelled to wind up their affairs. Occasionally, their charters may not be renewed, or they may-be amalgamated with other corporations, so as to be transferred to a new set of managers. And yet more frequently, changes may take place in consequence of the jealousies, the intrigues, and cabals of competitors for a share of the public deposits, and of other profits growing tory burch outlet out of their financial agency. It is against all experience, to The late treasurer of the United States, Thomas Tudor Tucker, whose judgment was almost as little doubted as his integrity, by those who knew him well, has often told me that the government of the United States would find it very difficult to manage its financial concerns tory burch sale without a tory burch flats national bank. It is to be recollected, that he held the office of treasurer in the time of the first and the last bank of the United States, and during the intervening seven or eight years, when the government made use of the state banks as financial agents.


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