SealedWell welcome to my head! Sit down, strap in, put your helmet on cause this rollercoaster can get crazy! My name is John and I am an addict about the only thing I havent done is stick a needle in my arm {for some reason I hate needles unless they are making a hole for stainless steel, putting ink into my body, or runnin in the groove of a vinyl} other than that there is not much I havent done. I AM NOT BRAGGING just givin a little background as to why I am the way I am. I grew up middle class and my bottom was a place I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy. Today I have a sponsor who has 19 years clean and can read me in a way that is close to mind reading…for this I am grateful as I was a professional liar. I could make an Eskimo believe it was 100 in the middle of the winter. At the age of 11 I started on the path of self destruction and never looked back until the Florida Department of Corrections told me I was going away for many years. I had 2 young boys a wife and a home all was lost…Then for some reason the judge figured out that Prison would only make this apple more rotten and HE {my H.P.} had that judge send me to a D.O.C. ran treatment center.This was not the ritz thats for sure but the program introduced me to NA and today because NA and my HP I am about to turn the first major milestone of my recovery in just 9 short days so long as my HP see's fit. Some of the things I do daily now are to ask for help in the morning, read the daily meditation, call my sponsor, call another addict, work atleast 1 question in my steps, get to my meeting, and Thank Him at the end of the day. This is what works for this addict so if you dont believe then believe I do until you can. This stuff works so long as you work it!!! Thats all for now goodnight…

1 Comment
  1. Sdstew 16 years ago

    Thank God you're here to share with us. Every story touches someone who needed to hear it. Thanks, and have a marvelous day!


    Peace and Love, Demi 

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