I hate my life. I hate everything. I care too much about people who act like they know everything when really they don’t. I’m just like them. We’ve been hurt so much to the point where we are broken. We say and act older but it doesn’t work. We aren’t mature. We are young and stupid and we don’t use our common sense even when there are bright red flags. I care too much about these people and all I get is pushed aside and ignored. Apparently I’m not wise enough to help people through the shit I’ve gone my entire life. I guess my existence isn’t important. I try too hard to help but everything just gets ignored like my facts aren’t good enough. I’m done then. You have won. Congratulation! I am done I feel nothing but emptiness inside. Have fun and don’t miss me cause I know you truly don’t give a shit, cause if you did we wouldn’t be in this mess now, would we?

  1. aquazium 4 years ago

    Are you okay? Are you serious about going? Do you need me to call the suicide hotline? I seriously get you on the part of people not understanding and us being garbage. It’s so painful when people tell you what to do and they have NO EXPERIENCE on that topic, and then you do it to someone else and it’s so frustrating. I’m here for you, please don’t go. Please know that there will always be someone out there who cares about you, even if it’s just me, a total stranger. I’ve been here before, I understand your thought cycle and how tight your chest is and that you’re not breathing. Please reach out and get help. This moment is all about you, nothing else matters right now but getting the help you need. Let me know if you need anything, and thanks for reaching out and sharing, you’re a brave soul.

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  2. Author
    kairin 4 years ago

    I’m sorry that was a while ago…I wasn’t good..I attempted but of course, like usual I am too pussy to actually to do. Worse things have happened since and all I have done is cry and self-harm. I still rather be dead sometimes but I feel better for now so we’ll see how long that lasts.

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